Sri Ramanuja Jayanthi Celebrations
Sunday, 12 May 2024, 3:30 - 8:00
Tentative programme:
3:45 PM : Cultural Program by SAGI Kids
4:30 pm-4:45 pm: Setting up for Pooja
5:00pm: Start of the Pooja with Veda chanting
5:15 PM: Archana done by Bhattar with asthothra shathanamavali
5:45 PM: Chanting of Ramanujar Nootrandhi
6:15 PM: Ramanujar Kattiyam with Thirumanajam
7:00 PM: Satrumurai and Maha Prasadam
7:30 PM: Pack up and cleaning
Location Reg Byrne Community Centre, Fyall Ave, Wentworthville 2145