Sydney Andal Group Inc

"Om namO nArAyaNA"   "AndAL thiruvadigaLE sharaNam"   "srimatE rAmAnujAya nama:" 

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Gadya Trayam

Swami Ramanuja has unmistakably indicated in his gadya traya the path of Prapatti as a sure and direct means of moksha. So, while the other works of Sri Ramanuja are to be studied to learn from them exactly what are the tattva and PurushArtha, but to know what is Hita, it is necessary to complete the study the gadya traya, for, it is only then we can understand Hita, (Prapatti), its nature and how it is to be performed.

Please find below a recording of the classes held to teach Gadya Trayam.

 {nmap}html5|250|150|images/stories/Classes/Gadhya-Trayam|5|Gadhya Trayam|b||0|3|||80%|80%|90%|{/nmap}