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"Om namO nArAyaNA"   "AndAL thiruvadigaLE sharaNam"   "srimatE rAmAnujAya nama:" 

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srI rAmajayam and srI krishNArpaNam

It is customary in our sampradAyam to say at the begining "srI rAmajayam". While there are numerous avathArams, this phrase doesn't get commonly associated with other avathArams, ie. we don't say srI nrisimhAjayam or srI krishnajayam.

So why is this unique for the rAmAvathAram?

perumAL is the ocean of mercy. Then why would He decide to stage a rAma-rAvaNa yuddham to kill rAvaNa and other rAkshasAs at the end? Even if He decided to finish them, cant He not do this by His sankalpam?

In the battle field, hanumAn was carrying rAmA on his shoulders when they were fighting. rAvAnA was attacking rAmA with all his arrows. rAmA, being the lord of mercy, did not get angry at rAvAnA and always showed a smiling face. rAvAnA here suddenly changed his strategy and started attacking hanumAn. He started sending stream of arrows at hanumAn. hanumAn started bleeding but still managed to carry rAmA on his shoulders. For every arrow that pierced hanumAn's body, he rechanneled all his agony towards the victory to srI rAmA by hailing "jai srirAm! jai srirAm!", as he was trying to save his life just for rAma- kAryam only.

Looking at hamumAn, His ardent devotee being so badly attacked by rAvanA, rAmA instantly became so furious (கொண்ட சீற்றம்) and decided to finish rAvanA, who was seen as a hurdle standing between Him and His devotee hanumAn.

So, by rendering or using jai srirAm or sri rAma jayam at the start of any righteous karma, it is believed that this will remove any hurdles that may come in between on the way to success.

In no other avathAram, a devotee directly helpsled the bhagavAn to overcome the hurdles, when He has descended for paritrANAya sAdhunAm vinAsAya cha dushkrtAm.

Again, it is customary in our sampradAyam to finish it by saying "srI krishnArpaNam". While there are numerous avathArams, this phrase doesn't get associated with other avathaarams, ie. we don't say srI nrisimhArpaNam or srI varAhArpaNam.

So, why is this unique for the krishnAvathAram?

In krishnAvathAram during the gitOpadEsam, sri krshnA directly tells arjunA that whatever you do (yat karOsi), what ever you eat (yat asnAni), what ever you offer (yat juhoshi), whatever you give away (yat dadAsi), what ever austerities you perform (yat tapasyasi), that should be done (tat kurushva) as an offering on to me (mad-arpaNam).

krshNA in His bhagavath gItA, also directly tells to offer all acts to Him, without attaching to its authorship (karthruthva thyAgam), ownership (mamatA thyAgam) and results (phala thyAgam).

So, krshnA, being the foremost AchArya, who gave the gitOpadEsam and following his upadEsam, we offer everything at His feet by saying "sarvam srI krishnA arpaNam astu" without attaching the ownership, authorship and results.

aDiyen dAsan.

Ramesh Raghuraman